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chinese fabric manufacturers:At 9:00 on the 13th National Peoples Congress on the 5th, I opened at the Great Hall of the Government on the 5th National Peoples Congress, listened to the report of the State Council of Prime Minister Li Keqiang on the governments work★◁▷◇, and reviewed the State Councils 2017 National Economic and Social Development Plan and 2018 National Economic and Social Development Plan. The draft report examines the State Council on the 2017 Central and local budget implementations and reports on the 2018 Central and local budgets=■○▷, and listen to the description of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress on the draft constitutional amendment◇△○. The following is a live record: Li Keqiang has changed significant changes in economic structure in five years. The consumption contribution rate is raised from 54.9% to 58.8%, and the proportion of service industry has risen from 45•☆◆=.3% to 51.6%▪●▼, which has become an economic growth. The high-tech manufacturing has an average annual growth of 11.7%•▽△•. fo◁•▼○.

Original title▪▷○: Another cross-strait channel□•▽? “Liu Zhuan” Shanghai debut reaffirmed the •=▪★”Journal of Jiuyi■•” [Global Times, Special Reporter Yin Yan] The Director of the National Taiwan Affairs Office, Liu Jie met with the Kuomintang President▷…, New North Mayor Zhu Lilun●=••. This is also the first public meeting to see the local officials from Taiwan. ◁●▷○”Liu Zhuhui” Shanghai debut▷△●◇, triggered the high concern in the island■■▽▷. Former Taipei County Chang Zhou Xiyan commented that “Liu Zhishui” did not losing a key to cross-strait. In the Ministry of Democratic Party hidden the key of the two sides, Ke Wenzhe also lifted the key because of the election, Zhu Lilun took the key to open the door, “very smart”. I met about 50 minutes•☆, according to Taiwans “Joint Evening News” reported on the 26th, ▷•”Liu Zhuan” welcomes the Shanghai Hongqiao on the same da.

Original title◁…▲: The Central Political Bureau why the •-“high-quality development…-” tuning at the high-level meeting of the Central Political Bureau▲★○, clearly proposes that □◁★”Completing the annual target task needs to pay hard”, which is relatively rare in the past. And the point of hard work◁□○, it should also be continued to deepen the reform and opening up▷■. ▲ Source★…▪=: Visual Chinese Wen Editorial According to Xinhua News Agency□-◁△, the Central Political Bureau held a meeting on April 23 to analyze the current economic situation and economic work▪◁. The meeting emphasized that △▷-“the completion of the annual target task needs to pay hard. The key is to take the initiative to take the initiative to the requirements of the high-quality development, to the pretension●□▪, and the timely change▼○▷. To strengthen the top floor design, the top design, and the introduction of high Indicator system•▪, policy system, standard system▼▲, statistical system=▲=☆, performance evaluation, and political performance offi!

Original title: After the deputy prime minister, Hu Chunhuas first public event for the first public event of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, and the Deputy Prime Minister Hu Chunhua△◁-●, Vice Prevention of the State Council, was transferred to the poverty in Gansu on the 23rd to 25th. Hu Chunhua emphasized that we must fully study the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and in-depth implementation of General Secretary of Xi Jinping on the provision of the •▪”Government Work Report”, and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility of the poverty▽•, further increase the work. Strengthen▪▷, unclusions to implement the partys central decision-making deployment, and resolutely lay a good job of escapies the poverty battle. Gansu Province involves three concentrated continental specialty areas of Liupanshan, Qinba Mountain and Tibetan areas, and the poverty face is large and the degree of poverty is deep. Hu Chunhua came to Shangwan Town, Sangko Town, Sangko Town and Dingxi City, Sannan Town, Sangko To◇◆•. refibra exterior upholstery xtiles – repreve cycled polyes fabric wholesaler home furnishing,