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oem fabric supplier:Original title: Ten years ago◆▽, the flying pilot of Wenchuan earthquake rescue□◆△, Li Yue, how did his family? Hello everyone★▼, I still remember nine years ago…○, that is•▪, where are we? What are we doing? At 14…◁=:28 on May 12, a 8.0-level earthquake disaster occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. Today▲•□, my story is to start from earthquake relief•★. Before doing self-introduction, I would like to introduce you to my old classmate, old comrades, his name is Li Yue. On May 31, 2008★●◁, this is the 19th day after the Wenchuan earthquake, the original Chengdu Military Region Availability, Li Yue, randomly on the 92734 rice 171 aircraft▲▼, and implemented rescue tasks such as drugs to the disaster area=◆▪=, he is the day Wooden pilot, 13 oclock in the afternoon, in the fir.

Original title: Thirty and stand in Hainan (the South South of Haihai) Haikou City Landscape. Chen Lei photo (the peoples vision) The words of the opening are from the sea, the tide of the sea. In the 30th year of the provincial office of the province, Hainan is passionately passionately passionately in the -▲▪”海☆○”, writing the •○○▷”Spring Story” of =■★”Spring” in the country=◇◇. Once closed▼◆, backward islands•◇, now open, prosperous, civilized●••…, and livable★○◆☆. 30 years of hard work, there are too many memories, there are too many vicissitudes of vicissitudes. Xionguanca is really as iron, and now step by step. Thirty and standing•▷, the reboot of the reform is not stopped▷◇★, the opening of the initial heart is not changed–, with more precise, more supporting☆▼•☆, more revolutionary measures to promote the new round of reform, Hainan is building a new era more open, more energetic, more energetic Special Zo?

At 0-24 on May 26, Guangxi did not have new diagnosis cases, suspected cases and non-symptoms. There were 5 cases of confirmed cases in existing overseas▽…▲, 3 cases of non-symptom infections outside the country-▪. Add 1 intracellular container, 5 cases of close contact, and 24 in close contacts. Guangxi has a confirmed case in diagnosis of 275 cases□□●★, and 268 cases were cured◁▼, 5 cases were being treated, 2 cases were killed••△□. (Head CCTV reporter Fu Qi En Shen Qing He Bolin Liu Chun) [Editor▷-▼◇: Zhu Yanjin.

Zhongxin●☆….com, May 28▲●▽, (Reporter Cui Jiaming) ●▪”Mobile Cup△■△” 2021 Yangzhou Public Data Development Application Innovation Competition officially launched on the 28th. The official website of the contest (▽◁●●.cn/) and Yangzhou government portal, Jiangsu government service network Yangzhou flagship store, □•▲”My Yangzhou App”, etc. from now until June 30th, open online registration aisle. Qi Junchen said, △▷◆”Let the data run more☆◇△•, the masses are ran,▽□” will strive to create a “good place, do things” government service brand. “Cui Jiaming was before▼▪, with digital technology and human production, live convergence, global data Exhibit an explosive growth, s.

Original title: CCTV host Zhu Jun was hired by Huang Jiguang Memorial Hall obligatory publicity Zhongjiang County held a heros strong theme activity○…□. This article is the Huaxi Metropolis Newspaper, a famous fire, take out how many Chinese good grooms. 66 years ago, the revolutionary Xun Huang Jiguang sprinkled a bloody blood on the exotic battlefield, pounced toward the enemys mad fire, and finally sacrificed. In the Sichuan Diyang City, Zhongjiang County, he sacrificed Huang Jiguangs event, listening to the emotional poems of Zhongjiang County Shouguang Experimental School▼▽, CCTVs famous host Zhu Jun a few tears••-. Zhu Jun caves in the event. From Huaxi Metropolis Daily, the “Finding Top Ten Cultural Landmarks” in the Cover Press is voted□=, and netizens votes have been enthusiastic. Among them-★=☆, the selection of “Top Ten Red Cultural Landmarks” in Sichuan is very realisti?recycled plastic – material sourcing post consumer recycled polyester post consumer recycled,