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environmental preservation:Original title•□•: “Quietly in the rain” There is a story that commemorates the comrades of Zhou Enlai=▪▽△. “There are two kinds of people in the society: some people always feel that others owe him, fight, jealous, complain, anti-social, forever Not satisfied◁●■☆; some people are always anxious, thinking about making something for others, quietly sprinkling rain△=★•. ▷▪▪•”Zhou Enlai is undoubtedly a typical of the second kind. In 1931□…■, after the ●▲●○”Zhongtong••…” No. 2 figure Zhang Chong search Zhou Enlai, I was published in Shanghais many newspapers★•, and I was united to unite in the party in the Communist Party in Shanghai. For this enemy who has rewarded the 80=☆◁□,000 ocean, Zhou Enlai has focused on the national cooperation overall situation, in Xian incident negotiations, and spend help during the Soviet Union. Zhang Chong was convinced by Zhou Enlais personality charm, resolute!

Original title▲▪◆▽: 1 Zhenggang 4 deputy countries 12 positive leaders, the special place arrived on April 1○◆▪, 2017•○■▷, Hebei Xiongan New District set up the annual anniversary■▽. “Government” (WeChat ID=▽=•: xjbzse) noted that the day before the “Birthday Birthday◇▲-○”◇▽▷▽, March 31=☆▷, Wang Dongfeng, and governor Xu Qin came to Xiongan New District. According to the “Hebei Daily” report◁…■◆, this line is Wang Dongfeng, Xu Qin specialized in the investigation and examination of Xiongan New District▽◆◇. The two have come to the Xiongan Citizen Service Center•○, the urban forest planting trees-◇, Baiyangdian, Township Datian Zhuang Village, etc. Refrigeration and other work report, visit grassroots cadres and retired soldiers, extensi•●.

Original title◆▼: One year, six cities, “China 1927●▽◆□” innovation method tells historical sources•■=▷: film tongue March 2 morning, by the Beijing Municipal Committee Propaganda Department▲▽=, Beijing TV Station “Archives” column under construction six episodes large-scale documentary ” China 1927 ◇•□○”◁☆☆=, held a film in Beijing TV△■□. Expert scholars, troops, college students from party history, military▽•, social science, and media, and more than 30 media reporters have watched some of the dramas of this documentary, and from content conception, practical significance and shooting techniques. Aspects have analyzed and interpreted “China 1927”. The six episodes of large-scale documentary “China 1927” will be connected to the two episodes of Beijing Satellite TV at 22:15 on March 5th to 7th▼▷▼, using a new expression method, telling the most complex history, interpretati▷☆◇■?

Original title: Tsinghua Professor Luo Yongzhang□◁•: It is recommended to speed up the construction of smoke big seabed tunnel: Legal Evening News Legal Evening News · View of Journalism Suggestions on Building Yantai to Dalian Upperi High Speed ​​Tunnel. The two ends of the seabed tunnel of 123 kilometers long are designed, respectively, Dalian, Liaoning and Yantai★-□. This span will also make the Bohai Strait crosshai channel far super super-Japanese Qingxin Tunnel (about 54 kilometers), the British Sea Submarine Tunnel (about 51 km), becoming the longest seabed tunnel in the world. “Yantai Penglai to Dalian Loss is about 106 kilometers, while there is more than 1,500 kilometers above land, take 6-8 hours by boat, and more than 1 yea?

Original title: 15 years ago, the United States used this trick to let Iraq “disappear”, is it good to China○-■★? On June 11th, the United States abolished the resolution of the “Network Neutral Case” officially entered into force. The bill passed by this Obama has only “survive” for three years. This is a ◇★■”self-study” in the other side of the ocean, but it has recently brushed the screen of Chinas network○☆▲■. This is because the circulation of the argument: Trump cancel the ◆▷▲”Network Neutral Case” is actually legalized to China△◁□◁. This inexplicable “legend” continues to ferment, bringing great confusion to people. Is there any ability to give China ◁△”break network”? What is this ◁★=◆”Network Neutral Case”△=◇-, why is the two US Governments around it? Du Shu has brought two articles today, talking about these t…○◆=. steel cotton satin lycra fabric eco friendly shop – spun bonded fabric medical textile black twill tape!