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home furnishing:At the 13th National Peoples Congress, the news center held a press conference at the Multi-Film in Madia (Monday) at 15:00 on March 12 (Monday), inviting Member of the 12th National Peoples Congress Finance and Economic Committee, Yin Zhongqing, and Texture Committee deputy Director Wu Heng, Yuan Wei, deputy director of the Environment…=, Mission Committee▼…, Zheng Dynasty, and the deputy director of the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee Budget Work Committee Liu Xiuwen▼▼, the Office of the Standing Committee, the Office of the Standing Committee, Fu Wenjie, Fu Wenjie, the “Peoples Congress Supervision◆◁▼” Chinese and foreign reporters ask questions. The following is a text record: China News Agency▷●●, China New Network Reporter: There is a problem to give Liu Xiuwen deputy director○▼○. It is a statutory responsibility of the governments “money bag” is our representative of our people, but in the past two days▪■, we also noticed that there are some representatives to reflect the draft budget is getting thicker, and the budget has also be.

Original title: Unexpected I didnt expect that Japanese wood is in the ◆▼”The most-▪★▼” growth rate of “The most” in the century=▷◇▪, I still remember this rumors about Japan: Japan never produces disposable chopsticks, depending on import, 96% Disposable chopsticks from China. Moreover△…▽, the Japanese also pay attention to the recovery of disposable chopsticks, and after the recovery, it has been made into pulp○◁▪●, and then exports to China△◆…. In the past few years, many media ▷○”rumors☆•◆” have passed the matter: It is understood that the wood of disposable chopsticks is basically taken from the rapid tree species such as poplar or birch, even if they count, or because of management The resulting reduction○◇, the cultivation of the planting area◆★-, and only 1.84 million mu of forest land. The total area of ​​my countrys poplar has exceeded 150 million mu, that is 1.84 million mu is just a zero head in zer?

Original title: “The comfort women” theme film ▪▽☆”big cold▲◇▪” is a “big cold” director Zhang Yueping in Nanjing. [Global Times – Global Network Report Reporter Xing Xiaoyu] On the 13th, the movie “Great Han▷▽◆▷” Reflected Previous day•▼, the copy donation ceremony and viewing activities were held in the Nanjing Liji Lane “Comfort Institute■☆☆”. China Anti-Japanese War Memorial, invading the Japanese Nanjing Massacre Memorial Memorial Hall-☆●, Eighth Route Army Taihang Memorial Hall, Nanjing Liji Lane Commeminated Site Exhibition Hall accepted donation, permanent collection◇○•▲, dont forget history•☆▼•, cherish the patriotism education•▲▷☆. The picture shows some Chinese “comfort women▽•” old people. Tonights movie is the most deepest or Cao Hua Maos old man, =▲◁•”The sin of the little devils I was done, the lawsuit won the win, all dead▼□, I am 94, I havent a few days●…, Ba.