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fabric:Original title: In 2017, the average daily exposure of sexual assault cases, nearly 60% of acquaintances, according to China Voice “News” report. In 2017, many sexual assaults for media exposure triggered social attention. Yesterday, the Chinese Junior Childrens Culture Art Foundation Girls Protection Fund released the 2017 sexual assault case statistical and anti-sexual invasion education. According to the report, children who have been reported by children from 2014 in 2017 have been greatly increased in 2013, which reflects that children have been severely affected by sexual assault, and also reflects the attention of the society from all walks of life. Studies have shown that due to the many factors, the sexual assault cases are difficult to all public reports and statistics◁▼△, and the disclosed cases are only the horn of the iceberg in the actual case●▪▼◇. How to strength.

Original title: How does Guangdong, Macau Dawan District land? Nearly 120 National Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference proposal▪=▲, deputy director of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, and Chairman of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao District Entrepreneurs, Chairman○•, Chairman…=□■, Cai Guan Shen, Reporter▷-▪■, Zhang Xiling▲▷, Beijing report◁=▲, rolling the Pearl River, southeast into the sea◆▲, over 10 million, shocking a 5★◁▼◇.6 Trigao plains in Wan Square•●. Guangzhou, Guangzhou○…▷, picking Zhuhai••○, Zhongshan▽△•○, Foshan, Jiangmen☆•☆◇, Zhaoqing, along with Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou. The 9 cities surrounded the big bay at the edge of the South Continent of the motherland☆★•. In this bay▪□, there are two majestic special administrative regions that are close to Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau, which are close to Zhuhai. The Daxle Triangle =▲”9 + 2″ constitutes a Guangdong-Hong Kong Macau Bay area, with a total population of 66▲▼.72 million◇-. This bay area has more volum.

China New Network Beijing May 28th (Reporter Ni) “Wu Shi Niwu Donation Ceremony and” Bonfire Oriented – Wu Shi Art -=▼”First” 28th held in China National Museum. Danwei, secretary of the Party Committee of China National Museum★=, donated the four-year-old works of Wu Shijia, and the 200 ministerial works in different periods were donated to the National Museum, expressing lofty respect and sincere gratitude◆-•◇. Wu Shis original Fengzi Tree=…•▲, was born in Hunan Xiangtan County Red Mountain, in 1934•…☆, he actively participated in the anti-war salvation movement after graduating from Shanghai Art Specialist, and then he participated in the Communist Party of China. In 1943, he participated in the new four army●◁◁. Border ar★▽▪□!

Zhongxin Net Guangzhou May 28 (Wang Jian) ​​reporter learned from Guangzhou Flood Control and Drought Windproof General Command Office, the city will enter the “Dragon Boat” rainfall concentration▲●☆=, easy-to-hair sustainability, extreme strong precipitation It is necessary to prevent high-precipitation and the cause of urban and rural areas▷=-, mountain floods, mudslides, mountain landslides and other disasters▷◁. According to the Guangzhou Meteorological Bureau▷△▷•, the citys 29th is clear□▽○, the local rain is large; from May 30th to June 1st▼▽★, Guangzhou will have a sustained strong precipitation process•…■◁, accompanied by the left and right shortcomings and high winds and Lightning■•…. Meteorologists said that the accumulation of rainfall will reach▽◇: 120 mm to 200 mm in the north, local 250 mm to 350 mm, southern reupholster leather car seats nike sportswear club t shirt=▲◆ quilted nylon fabric jacquard linen!recycle styrofoam – tali satin.