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Original title: note◆▼…! These cities can house house house house house house house house house house .…=.▽△. The development of homestead culture and digital economy is not sluggable. The influence of digital economy to China has penetrated into peoples production and life…▲. Modern urban people, with hand, online shopping, advance booking service▼★▪•, the development of digital economy has become a possibility▪▷△•. So, which urban digital economy in China is developing faster, making it full support for your house-●? Which urban digital economic development is not satisfactory☆◁…, still have a progressive space-■☆•? The latest research data shows that the top ten cities in digital economic development include Shanghai, Shenzhen▼△◁▲, Beijing…•, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Wuhan■▪, Ningbo, Wuxi and Guiyang. Is there a surprise? There are only Beijing in the northern city. bu▷▲•△.

Original title▪■…▽: Wu Xiaohuis case report Prospector said that the Insurance Regulatory Commission avoided the loss of investors on March 28=□◇, 2018. Shanghais first intermediate peoples court publicly opened the Shanghai Peoples Procuratorates first branch of Anbang Insurance Group Co., Ltd○…○. (hereinafter referred to as Anbang Group) Former Chairman, General Manager Wu Xiaohuis crime of fund-raising fraud, and crimes of duties. The court debate continues. The defendant Wu Xiaohui said that due to the lack of legal knowledge, the commission was defended◁▷. The defender believes that Wu Xiaohui and the use of insurance funds to the country and the society have brought huge risks, but the evidence of the prosecution of Wu Xiaohuis crime of fund-raising fraud and the crime of duty•□★-, the fact is not clear•▪○, Wu Xiaohui does not have a clear illegal possession Existing evidence cannot be proved that Angang is n.

Original title: 82 travel agencies illegally “one-day tour” was checked by Xinjing News (Reporter Shawei) reporter learned from the Beijing Tourism Commission yesterday that this year will determine the travel agency◆☆, continue to govern illegal “one day tour” chaos I like▲△•◁, and I will ask the travel administrations to the tourism administrative department in Beijing to fill in the operation and financial information in accordance with the law-★☆…, and fully master the overall business situation of Beijing Travel Agency=☆. The travel agency illegal violation is suspended▪◁★, and the operational reprocessing data shows that from January 1, 2017 to March 27, 2018, the Municipal Tourism Commission Quality Supervision Office accepted 3476 channels▪★-◆, including 1829 travel agencies●●. Through the object of complaints, the main complaint cause analysis△▽, the problem of complaint travel agency is mainly concentrated in failure to perform the contract, and the implementation of the contract has not met service standards★◇, as well as the contract change, unauthoriz……. japan satin fabric best buy microsoft office marine litter – keep oceans clean.

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