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Original title☆◇△=: Beijing 16th District and Inner Mongolia, the county of the county: Beijing Daily wrote Xu Feipeng Fan Junsheng Photography Tongjun Yesterday afternoon, Beijing and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region signed a three-year action framework agreement to deepen poverty alleviation collaboration, further clear future Announcement of the Homes of Homes. Since this year, Beijing Inner Mongolia poverty alleviation collaboration will increase from 10 million yuan from the original planned counties to 40 million yuan☆•▪. In the future, the total number of poverty alleviation collaboration funds increased from the original plan to 2975 million yuan, than original plan. A total of 1■•●☆.983 billion yuan◆☆=, helping Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to help the resulted to the poverty alleviation in 2020★=▷•. Beijing Inner Mongolia has signed a comprehensive and deepening of poverty alleviation collaboration, and the central government is handed over to Beijin mini water bottles heavy duty nylon webbing 75Dx105D RPET poliester suede brushed fabric – reusable grocery bags near me! pvc artificial leather northeastern canvas!

Original title: Operators statement, ▼◆○”unlimited•◆”, but still has a package that is not in the eye-catching position to prompt “Daily Speed” According to China Voice ◇-•○”News…○•” report…•○•: mobile Internet era, traffic is “just need▼=★☆”. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that the traffic of mobile Internet access by 1 to April this year reached 15.4 billion GB•▼, an increase of 209% year-on-year, accounting for 98% of the total mobile Internet. In the era of the whole people, many operators also launched the so-called “unlimited” package to make a lot of “large traffic”. However, there are many users reflect that these unlimited package are unrestrained△•◁○: traffic is super-limited will be limited. What makes many consumers have been puzzled, these “hidden rules” are often hidden in the product details page○■▪●, with gray body or small word identification, which makes people cant resist. Offline business hall, telepho.

Original title●▽: [Hot] China “expanded import” What import goods should be cheaper? On April 10, China President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum 2018 annual meeting and issued an important aid◁…. Chairman Xi Jinping announced the major move of Chinas further ▲▼☆”open gate▲◁△◆”. President Xi Jinping puts forward that China does not focus on the pursuit of trade surplus, sincerely hopes to expand import and promote the balance of regular project balance▷▪•▽. So-☆, “Expand import△□, what do we buy?” Why expand import? What is the expansion of imports? CCTV Finance gives you a text, we want to expand import, what do we buy? Data show that from 1978 to 2017, Chinas total trade imports increased from $ 10.9 billion to $ 1.87 trillion, China imported yea.