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seaqual fabric:Original title: The key node of the peninsula•…●, Jin Zhengnheng, from China, from March 25th to 28th, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China○●●●, the National Chairman Xi Jinping invited, the North Korean Labor Party Committee, the State Council Chairman Jin Zhengnis informal visit to my country. During the visit, Xi Jinping will hold a talks with Jin Zhengn. This is a photo taken by Xi Jinping and Mrs. Peng Liyuan in the Great Hall of the People. The Xinhua News Agency should invites the General Secretary of the Central Committee, and the President Xi Jinping, the North Korean Labor Party Committee▼★○, the State Committee Chairman Jin Zhengguans informal visit to my country from March 25th to 28th. In the talks, the leaders of both parties have deeply exchanged views on the international and Korean peninsula. On the peninsula issue, China adheres to the realization of non-verified targets in the peninsula▼=●, maintaining the peace and stability of the peninsula, through dialog▽●■.

China News Network Xining May 28 (Reporter Zhang Tianfu) On the occasion of the International Childrens Day, the special food donation ceremony of Phenyltrinone urine disease in Qinghai Province was held on May 28th■■■☆, the organizer, the organizer The public appeals to the public to pay attention to these natural ◇▪▽▲”pickupers•▷” and reduce birth defects. Phenylketone urine is reduced by phenylalanine hydroxylase in the human liver•▽▷, abnormal phenylalanine metabolism▷•○, phenylalanine and its metabolites in vivo accumulation, damage to the nervous system, ultimately leading to the decline in intelligence. If it is well controlled, it generally does not affect the development of nervous system and the natural life. Zhao Chengmao, Dean of Qinghai Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, introduced that according to three age groups, this time will donate to 130 childr□▪.

Original title: Coordination to strengthen the development of awareness to be deepened to improve the development of Chinas urban group summary development faces challenges from △◁”Eleventh Five-Year” start, my countrys urbanization construction is rapidly promoted, in promoting new urbanization, relieving “big city” disease, promoting regional In terms of coordinated development, a positive role is played★●•. Many experts and grassroots cadres in the “Economic Report” reporter interviewed that urban agglomerations have huge synergy difficulties in the process of rapid development. On the one hand, the coordination mechanism is not perfect due to the mutual game between the cities in the urban agglomeration. On the other hand, there are also homogeneous competition, resource mismatch between urban agglomeration and urban agglomeration◁■▼▼. Deficiency of the city circle plan, lack of new cooperation platforms•▪▲☆, lack of system docking, and become a problem that urban agglomeration needs to be solved. The picture shows the sea in Tianjin Binhai New Distric•=■.

Xian▷-☆•, May 28th (Reporter Alena) Qinling Soupu Science Park 28th□•, ★▷-■”Pre-open Park, Trial Operation▽…◁”, the worlds only circle, brown giant panda “seven” will be unveiled hereinafter. The picture shows the giant panda◇▲★★. Arlenna Introduction◇•, Qinling Soupu Science Park is a park with rare wildlife ambulance▲…▷★, scientific research, artificial breeding and public nature education. It is a demonstration project of Qinling Biological Diversity Protection▷■★, which is a Qinling Giant Panda Research Center. (Shaanxi Rare Wildlife Ambulance Base) Open Park, is based on the original feeding facilities, by the Shaanxi Qinling Ecological and Biological Resources Protection Project●▲■, Qinling Giant Panda breeding base▽…•, Zhu Yu is branch○△★▼?

Original title□-☆◇: May, the National Development and Reform Commission●•-, the National Development and Reform Commission, Railway Corporation, etc. will be issued recently, requiring the protection of railway operations for the violation of the violation of the rule of the law. Adverse effects, further increased disciplinary efforts to seriously illegally violating the law in other areas●◁◁, to properly limit the specific serious false man in a period of time●■. It is implemented from May 1, 2018◁☆★. At the same time, 8 departments of the National Development and Reform Commission, Civil Aviation Administration□▼, etc., to prevent some of the adverse effects of some passenger violations on civil aviation flight safety◁▷○△, further increased disciplinary intensity of serious violations of law in other fields, restricting specific serious people to ride Aircraft. It is implemented from May 1, 2018□-▽. The reporter noted that.