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eco friendly textile:Original title▪▪●: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology▼△…●: China 5G R & D ranks in the world will be with entity economic integration international online news: Chen Zhaoxiong, deputy director of China Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that China will promote cross-industry cooperation in the development of 5G application development, promote 5G The induction of the inner economy depth, innovation 5G and transportation▷□○, medical, environment and other public services are integrated. At present, the global 5G is in a critical period of accelerated development▽★, many operators in foreign countries are committed to promoting 5G commercial deployment, seizing technology◆=□☆. In this context, Chinas 5G R & D has received an external attention. At the 5G industry application seminar organized by the China Information Communications Research Institute, Chen Zhaoxion, deputy director of China Industry and Information Technology, introduced Chinas 5G R & D. ▼□○”my country .

Original title▪△▼•: Xiao Yaqing, director of the State-owned Enterprise Committee, etc. Xiao Yaqing◁•, director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Commission, and the press and spokesperson Peng Huang▷▼■, answered questions about China and foreign journalists on the “state-owned enterprise reform and development”▼◆▪★. China▲▼☆.com live broadcast, please pay attention▽=■▼! Moderator▼•: Dear friends, everyone, good afternoon, welcome to participate in the 13th National Peoples Congress☆▪▷, a reporter meeting, the theme of this reporter will be the “state-owned enterprise reform and development”. Today, we are very happy to invite Xiao Yayu◁●-▽, director of the State-owned Asia-Astronautics and Ascension, the State-owned Assets, and Mr…▷☆. Peng Huang★=△☆, the State-owned Assets Supervision Committee▪▲○•, and answered the questions raised by this topi corporate wears for male carpet land denim patchwork quilt!

Original title◇◁■◁: Wei Jianguo: China is studying the second batch, the third batch of US list, such as the aircraft Take restrictions on China, China has been fully prepared. The United States needs cliff horse◆▷…, otherwise China may take further measures to the US tariffs△……. Wei Jianguo▼△▽, vice chairman, vice president of China International Economic Exchange, said on the 24th that after the first batch of submission of the list of cancelled products▷■, China is studying the second batch•□, the third batch list, such as aircraft◆-○, chip field◇▷=. Moreover, China can take measures are not limited to commodity, tourism and other industries. Guolk Securities also analyzed in a recent report•▷•…, China is currently in Chinas festiv?hydrapeak – imitated fine canvas in recycle PET poliester denim by the yard,