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importer:On the 13th National Peoples Congress, I held the fourth plenary meeting on the 13th of the Peoples Great Hall on the 13th★▪•◁, listening to the statement of the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee on the draft monitoring law, listening to the statement of the State Council on the Reform Plan of the State Council, Voting Conference on Establishing Thirteen The draft decision of the National Peoples Congresss special committee◇□-, the draft decision on the 13th National Peoples Congress…◇■, the Director of the Chairman of the National Peoples Congress•◆, and the voting method of the Committee, and the 17th National Peoples Congress Constitution and the Legal Committee▲▼▲, the Director of the Finance and Economic Commission, deputy Director▲★◁, the Committee selected two draft draft. The following is a live record: the specific content of this State Institutional reform is as follows=-▼. 1. Regarding the Adjustment of the State Council (1) Setting up the Natural Resources Department. All natural resources assets for unificati.

Original title: Hawko died brushing, but she took this big award, but she didnt even know her name .▷▽▼●.. Recently, the big news in these days is a one more☆…, and Ive been writing the ring☆◇. Write around▽•▷! But just yesterday, the ring rings suddenly found this kind of little news ↓↓ ↓ 为 啥 说 This is a small news=●? Because it is not hot●▪●◇, I have not attracted attention, even the name of this winner, many people have never heard of it. But in fact, this winner has a big head▲□, and it is big to know her=◇▽☆, know her, and revered her☆▲. She is Zhang Mang. There are a lot of titles of Zhang Mingman•-▪▷. For example, she is academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lin Nai▷▪, Engla carbon fiber sheets◆▪◆ fabric ecomade chenille jacquard!!

China News News Agency, May 26, the Hong Kong SAR Administrative Chief Expo, Lin Zheng Yuexi◁△★, published in the social network website in the social network, said that the Hong Kong epidemic continued to be stable in the past month●▽△▷, there is no local source unclear case★○★▷, it is expected to reach “clear”, appeal The public is a person■◆-△, dont hesitate to vaccinate as soon as possible•▼. Lin Shi Yue said that with the continuous stability of the Hong Kong epidemic and social distance measures, the street flows increases, and many people in the weekend go to the mall, outskirts and beaches▷▽. In addition▼…▲◇, under the premise of implementing multiple epidemic prevention measures, Hong Kong successfully held a number of large-scale activities, including “2021 UCI National Cup Siti Compensation (China Hong Kong)”, Basel Art Exhibition Hong Kong Exhibiti.

Original title■◆■-: Cultural and Tourism Minister 雒 雒▼▷○: Develop a ●□▪◆”three-way○◁” program★▷□☆, establish a working mechanism on March 20, Culture and Tourism Department Cadre Conference held in Beijing▲…=★. Deputy Director of the Deputy Minister of the Central Organization, Deputy Director of the Standing Department of the Central Propaganda Department▲◇, Wang Xiaohui, Secretary of the Central Policy Research Office, Party Secretary, Minister of Culture and Tourism, Secretary of the Party Group, deputy director Li Jin early attended the meeting and speaking. Li Qun, Xiang Zhaolun, a member of the Culture and Tourism Leaders, Single Xiang, Liu Yuzhu, Chi Yun▲△▲, Zhang Xu, Dujiang○□•, Li Shihong, Wang Xiaofeng, Yu Qun◆△●, Wei Hongtao attended the meeting☆-▽. Zhou Zuyi announced the decision on the appointment of the leadership team of the Culture and Tourism Department and made an important speech on the implementation of good central decision-making deployment. Wang Xiaohui made a clear requirement for further strengthening the construction of cultural and touris upholstery fabric shops near me denim twill fabric!

Zhongxin Net Huizhou May 27th (Schiyu Song Xijie) reporter learned from the Guangdong Huizhou Municipal Public Security Bureau on May 27 that Huizhou police works in accordance with the national “net network 2021•▼▷▷” special action and combats the management of telecommunications network fraud crimes Requirements, series of operations, troops☆○▲, and continuously cracked 2 online fraud crimes…△◇•. 41 suspects were arrested●◇…▷, and more than 50 bank cards were seized, and a large number of mobile phones and computers. In the early stage, Huizhou police investigated a big criminal gang of Boofu, Zhongkai, Daya Bay◇△, etc. in the work. On March 10□△, Huizhou City, county (district) public security up and down, a total of more than 200 pairs of police for.