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marine litter:Original title■☆△: Cao Jianming: Resolutely punish “small official greed” and “micro-corruption”☆▷□, investigate “smashing” 62715 people Liberation Daily · In view of Journalist Wang Yile March 9, the 13th National Peoples Representative The first meeting of the General Assembly held a second plenary meeting in the Great Hall of the People, listening to the report of the Supreme Peoples Court on the Supreme Peoples Court, heard the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate Cao Jianmings report on the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate. Cao Jianming said that we resolutely implement the deployment of the Party and unswervingly grasp the work of investigating and prevention of duty crimes◇=▪. Highlight the case of investigation. Conduct the investigation of 25,44,44●▷•,441 people, up 16.4% from the previous five years▼=-▲, and saved the country to 505.3 billion yuan. Among them▽●◇●, county-level national staff suspected of duty crim?

Original title•☆▲◁: Headline Three chip giants were anti-monopoly investigation☆□, Chinas bright sword! In response to the sustained price increase of the storage chip giants◇=★, Chinas anti-monopoly agencies are bright◆-○●. According to the US “Wall Street Journal” reported on June 5△●▼◁, Chinas regulatory agency is investigating the storage chip production business Meiku Technology Company○○, Samsung Electronics and Hi Li Shi Semiconductor, all said that China National Market Supervision Administration officials have recently visited its China office. According to June 4▽-◁, British Reuters reported that South Korea Samsung Electronics confirmed that investigators in Chinas National Market Supervision Administration have visited its sales office in China last week. ▲ Reuters Chinese Network Reports Screenshot Chip (Wafer) Manufacturers also said on June 1, China officials have visited the companys sales offices. American “Wall Street Journal” repo□▪☆….

Zhongxin Net Guanghan May 28 (Reporter Yue Yi Tong) =□△▽”Gold Forged into the sheet-▲◁, make the decoration or use of the surface of the bronze machine or alone, is a feature of Samsung Golden, this feature is in Henan Zhengzhou Mall Site, It can also be seen on the golden apparatus of Hubei Wuhan Panlongcheng Site and the Yin Ruins of Henan Anyang■▷★. “Recently▷-, the Party Secretary of the Archaeological Cultural Academy of Peking University■▲•▪, the professor Chen established in Sichuan Guanghan. Chen Jianli said that the method of using the golden device is actually one of the main features of the Shang dynasty and the main characteristics of the golden community affected by the merchant dynasty. It is compared with the practice of the northern grassland to the human body decoration. Very different□▲▷■. Half of unearth textile maker khaki camo crocs camo flannelette sheet sets double!

Original title: Libya is actually “happiness” than China▷□? The United Nations report was spitted by netizens [Wen observers / Zhang Wei] As the saying, “the crowd is not entry, the stood is not hoped.” Happy people always live in a stable country, but in this report, the situation is just the opposite. March 20-▷, March 20th is “World Happiness Day○◇=”. Before this special day arrived, the United Nations released the “World Happiness Report” in the sixth consecutive year-□, ▪▽■”quantified…◆◁” the happiness index of the people of the world. China s mainland is 86 this year…★●=, which is slightly fell than last year (79). In addition to mainland China, ranking # 26 of Taiwan in Taiwan this year, ranking # 76 of Hong Kong=•☆. However★△, the rankings actually have a Libya (70) before China-●●. Many people must think about it◆▪★, Libya is r▼●●□.hampton bay beachside collection – lithiumattery recycling.