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grs standard:Original title: The first time in Beijing City Deputy Center is open to the public, and the first time I will focus on the first time – Source: WeChat public account =•○△”Probaration” September 13=△◁-, 2017○○★, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China▪□◆☆, the State Council officially approved “Beijing City Master Plan. Clarified the city space layout of ▼☆○▽”one core one person”. Among them, ◁★”a pair” refers to the Beijing city departure center. This morning☆△◁, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Peoples Congress listened and considered the •★▷”Beijing City Deputy Center Control Detailed Plan (Draft). Zhang Wei, director of the Municipal Planning and the Land and Resources Management Committee□★●=, currently=••-, …☆▼●”subtype detailed plan=◁” has formed a phased outcome. Key to handle three groups of relationships “Beijing City Deputy Center is a wing of Beijing New Wings, will strive to create a harmonious and livable covarian of international first-class, new tow?

[Global Times – Global Network Report Reporter Guo Fang] June 19th to 20th, Jin Zhenghe, member of the Democratic Party Committee of North Korea, and Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea visited China. At the 19th=■-▼, the Chinese Foreign Ministry routine reporter will become the hotspot asking foreign media. Is Jin Zhengyuan is not a state visit? Why did China have different past, released a message in the end of the visit◇▪▽? The last time Jin Zhengn visited Huawei asked by the DPS, then this time is the Chinese or the DPRK? Jin Zhengyuan is related to the United States of America? Can Jin Zhengn meet with Chinas leaders Xi Jinping? For these questions□★, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said, about the situation of Jin Zhengyin, please keep pay close attention, China will promptly release news, when it will be cle★★-☆!

Original title==: Li Jianguo drafted the draft process, guiding ideology and basic idea of ​​the 13th National Peoples Congress, held the fourth plenary meeting in the Great Hall of the People□▪, listening to the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress on the draft monitoring law Listening to the State Councils Description of the State Council Reform Plan, Voting the General Assembly Draft the Draft of the 13th National Peoples Congresss special committee★▪, the General Assembly on the Director of the 13th National Peoples Congress Director, Deputy Director○△▪, Committee☆◆, Committee, Voting the 13th National Peoples Congress Constitution and the Legal Committee, Director of the Financial and Economic Commission, a member of the Deputy Director○◁☆□, and the Committee selected two draft draft. The following is a live record: Li Jian Guo: Second, the draft of the supervision law drafted, guiding ideology and basic ide.

Promote the construction of ecological civilization◁☆, the new level – the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference released the 19th National Ecological Environment Protection Conference on the 19th, the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference on Strengthening the Ecological Environment, and the Pollution Prevention and Control Battle is deployed, mobilize the whole partys whole society Hand, promote the construction of my countrys ecological civilization, take the new level△■. What new information is passed this important meeting△-★▲, how to advance the beautiful China in the future, Xinhua News Agency reporter requested experts and the person in charge of the relevant departments to interpret. Six principles: Indicate the new era to promote the construction of the Ecological Civilization in the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, pointed out that the new era promotes the construction of ecological civilization, and must adhere to the following principles. First, persists who have harmonious and natural harmony, insist on saving priority, protecting priority▪-•■, natural recovery▼◆◁, like protecting ey. bci cotton upolstery supplies – ecological fabric sustainable textile manufacturers environmental protection,