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automotive textile manufacturers:Original title: China will promote the construction of natural gas storage system this year Source: Visual China is trying to establish systematic guarantees for Chinas strong natural gas consumption market▲▷○●. On March 7th, the “2018 Energy Work Guidance◇■★” issued by the National Energy Administration (hereinafter referred to as “Opinions”) pointed out that China will promote the establishment of natural gas production storage systems. The Energy Bureau predicted that Chinas natural gas production is about 160 billion cubic meters in 2018▲▽◁○, achieving rapid growth☆▲▪. But the contradiction between supply and demand is still outstanding▷△. At the recent national two sessions, Wang Yulin, a member of the National Political Consultative Conference●★…=, and China National Petroleum Group (Non-referred to QuaC)☆•▼□, said that Chinas natural gas consumption growth rate is 15% -16%, and the contradiction between the winter Mingchun will still be more prominent☆=■▷. And natural gas supply and demand contradicti!

The General Office of the State Councils Opinions on Regulating the Development of Automatic Training Institutions [2018] No★…=. 80, all provinces, autonomous regions◁◁▷, municipality directly under the Central Government▲△, the State Council▲☆▷★, all direct institutions: the school-oriented training institutions (hereinafter referred to as the protrial training institution) Non-academic education training is a supplement to school education. It has positive role in meeting the choice of selective learning needs of primary and secondary school students. It has positive role in developing integration of integration. However, in recent years, some school training agencies have violated the law of education and the development of adolescent growth●■, carry out training with the □•●”test•◆▽◁”-oriented training, causing extracurricular burdens in primary and secondary schools, increasing the family economic burden☆▪, destroying good educational ecology, social reflection strong. In order to effectively reduce the burden of primary and secondary school students, promote the rules of foreign training institutio?

Original title☆•□◆: Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Party Committee Secretary☆▽, Tuan Chang Zhao Chuntao accepted discipline review and monitoring★•▪…, according to the Supervision Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region◇△□▽: Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Party Secretary◆◁●▼, Templer, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee Alternate Committee, is suspected of serious violations, currently accepting discipline Review and monitoring investigation. Zhao Chunxi=★, Zhao Chunxi■△▲, male, Han nationality☆▲, born in February 1962, university culture△★, July 1984, participated in the work in May 1994•-▽, joined the Communist Party of China, in Inner Mongolia Liangcheng County▲…▪. 1984◆•▽.07–1987.08◁◁▲★, the gateway department 694 launched a table★◇, the charter of the charter; 1987.08–1991▲□.12-☆▽□, Inner Mongolia TV station technical outsourcing team technician; 1991.12–199. fashion clothing environmental impact – dim garmts.

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