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rpet polyester:Original title: Cui Yongyuan Angered Entertainment Circle “Size Contract◇=” listening to legal experts have a source: Red Star News June 3▷○•-, 2018, Cui Yongyuan updated his Weibo. Time 10 days, starting from May 24, he has been doing a matter★☆-, and conduct “Xiao Cui said in Weibo every day▼○•.” Time☆◆, he has issued a text•△◇…, and the details of Fan Bingbing million will be exposed. The exposure of the entertainment circle ▲◁▼●”size double contract” hidden rules, ridiculed “this buddy” 4 days 60 million ..▷•▷★. ▲ Cui Yongyuan exposed …-●”size double contract” Millions of methano, such as “size double contract=△◇”•●, etc. At noon on June 3, according to the ▼●”Legal Daily” report•▷, because @ 范 冰冰 studio is in Wuxi, Wuxi Binhu District Local Taxation Bureau has been involved in the investigation and evidence collection, related circumstanc☆▲△.

Original title: Shandong Secretary Liu Jiayi “Sichuan” accent caused by the small error, I explained “Shandong finally realized that he was backward!” Just after the Spring Festival, this will be a “attachment” for “attachment•▷” in the Spring Festival-•. Article★■▷●, one “brush screen” circle, becoming the focus of attention from all walks of life◇○. On the afternoon of March 6, on the opening day of the Shandong delegation, Liu Jiayi responded to the reporter, explained his original intention: Why did he self-sufficiency, point out a series of problems in Shandong? The above Liu Jiayis 10★◆,000 words, published on February 22★•★▪, this day is the first working day after the first month of the first month, the first working day of the Spring Festival. On the same day, Shandong Province held a comprehensive development of new and old kinetic energy conversion major project mobilization conferences. At the mobilization meeting•▼, Liu Jiayi has developed the economic development of Shandon green procurement examples domestic corporation denim garment!

China Xinwang on May 27th▪▼, according to the website of the Guangdong Provincial Health Committee, at 0-24 on May 26, there were 2 cases of new local confirmed cases and Guangzhou report. There were 4 cases of new local non-symptoms, 2 cases of Guangzhou report, 2 cases of Shenzhen. There were 12 cases of new observed cases, 2 cases of Guangzhou reported●□☆■, from the UAE and Cameroon◆○□; Foshan reported 1 case, from the United States▼▲; Zhanjiang report 9 cases from Egypt••▼-. There were 12 cases of newly input invisible infections-…-●, 1 case from Guangzhou, from the Congo▼△, 2 cases from Indonesia★•▪; 2 cases from Foshan reported from the United States; Zhanjiang reported 7 cases from Egypt. 5 cases of new discharge. As of May?

Original title: Deeply mourn the famous theoretical physicist of Hao Berlin…▷◁, academician, Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences□☆▪, Professor Hao Bolin, Fudan University. The famous theoretical physics□◆-, Academician▪▷•, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Fudan University, Director●★=, Director of the Institute of Theory Physics▪▪▲•, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mr==☆▽. Hao Bolin, Due to death at 16▼△•:39 in the afternoon of March 7, 2018-•▪•, 84 years old. I was shocked by Mr. Hao Bailin to die◆▲, we deeply shocked•○★, grieve and missed, and I was deeply sorry for the loss of such a good teacher▼▽☆. Mr. Hao Bailin, male, born on June 26, 1934. From 1954 to 1956, he studied at the Ukrainian Harkov Engineering Economics Institute. He graduated from the Department of Physics, National University of Ukraine▷▽▽=, 1959▼○□, 1961-.sustainable textile industry – eco-friendly sportswear tamu canvas,