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beach waste:Original title■•□▽: Water reflected in Beijing: Millennium Ancient Water Dreams in Beijing Tongzhou District☆▽, the tide minus the river◇▲◇=. Photography: Housing Armatology: Chen Hao Ze Xinhua Daily Telecommunications Reporter Li Bin•◆, Guan Guifeng Since ancient times, human beings have hoped by water, and the city is built along the water▽▼☆. Not long ago, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government proposed that Beijing should do Lincheng film, lake, green and Jinghua, water reflecting Beijing, birds□=. What is the relationship between the water and a city today, water and a city? With the continuous rise in the groundwater, the capital Beijing, which is the same because of the water, what is the water safety situation that has been infiltrated by the spring water? Nowadays, Beijing, can we re-reflect the △☆”Water Township” dream of the Beijing-Guangzhou city▽=▲? 25 years ago▪●=, the resolution of the 47th United Nations General Assembly was determined every yea▪…▼◁.

Original title: The National Peoples Congress representative Jia Pinghui□=☆■: The name of the female name in the meeting does not indicate “female” [observer network comprehensive report] Recently, the 13th National Peoples Congress representative, with “Waste”, “Qin” and other novels Jia Pingwa, a famous writer, revealed the motion that he was ready to submit. In addition to Qinling▷…•, “Dragon”, “Dragon” is concerned●•, he also suggested that the female name in the meeting list should not indicate “female”, because “this practice is not fair to women.” On March 12th, “New Beijing News★▽▼▼” with “writer must face this society” as a member of the National Peoples Congress, member of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association Party, Chairman, and Chairman of the Chinese Writer Association, Jia Pingwa Report. On March 8☆=▲▷, the National Peoples Congress representative Jia Pinggan participated in t▷….

Original title: This Beijing “cattle school” principal has embarked on the “member channel” of the Great Hall of the People☆△, and the knowledge of the Jinchen asked a question! Source: Beijing Daily afternoon■△, the north side of the central hall in the East Gate of the Great Hall of the People◆▲▽•, the short hundred meters of channels were surrounded by the reporters, and the Id: PoliticalInside was also present early, “preempting” the most favorable position□◇. At 2◆…:05, the second “member channel” of the 13th National Committee of the National Peoples Political Consultative Conference is open, 12 members from education, medical and health, cultural art○☆, sports, etc★•. have unveiled, and the people will pay attention to the microphone To the people of the whole country◇▽■. The education is the foundation and foundation of the national development☆▪☆, please combine with the experience of basic education for more than 30 years, talk about o◇★. upholstery springs suppliers work trousers with knee padsglobal trader – chenille fabric.

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