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Xinhua News Agency▼■, Shijiazhuang, May 26, electricity: Underwater Robot Helps Safety Inspection Xinhua News Agency, Tengze▽=▪, Qin Wei, Jia Yining, one weighing 100 kg, dragging the square instrument of the yellow cable, and the gesture is slowly sneaked Waterstore. A work vehicle sets 3 electronic screens on the shore•○◆△, showing real-time images underwater••-. This is the reporter recently seen underwater robotic work scene seen in the mid-river in the northwater…★. Cao Mingze★■☆, deputy director of the Shijiazhuang Administration, Nanshi Branch■-▲, China, China▷•▼, said that this seemingly inconspicuous underwater robot is currently more advanced underwater detection equipment in Chin.

Original title: Recently, they were criticized by the “Peoples Daily” as “small people, small gas, no eyes”, the logic behind the “fearless□•”, is a typical “The belly of the heart of the villain”◁○☆. The three reports of the Peoples Daily have recently○▽◆▷, and some national politicians●○, media and scholars frequently point to China, and accuse China in the field of study-☆★, investment, trade, politics▷▪, and external relations. In this regard■…, the Peoples Daily published a number of comment articles, and acknowledgment■▪●△. Australian “Persuitive” is a typical ◁□◆●”The belly of the heart of the little person◇◆” recently…▲◆, according to the British “Financial Times” report, 35 Chinese Chinese questions in Australia issued a public letter□○▽△, and the Australian government aims to identify and weaken Chinas influence of Australia, but they failed to give specific cases■-•. Mac. pu polyester sustainable brands