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textiles for packaging:Zhongxin Net Nanjing May 27th (Xu Shanshan) On the 27th, the 2nd ■◆”Gun Jiangsu Youth Flying – Jiangsu University Hong Kong□▪▷, Macao University Student Exchange Camp•▪” held in Nanjing○★●●, nearly 80 Jiangsu University Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan student representative Participate in the opening ceremony▷▪. Wang Chengbin, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, said Jiangsu is a deep humanistic fertile soil, and it is also an ideal place for the young people of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. At present, 2040 Hong Kong★●•▲, Macao and Taiwan students are in colleges and universities in Jiangsu. “I hope that during the Jiangsu to study, you can strengthen mutual exchanges, enhance each other friendship; can fully understand Chinese cultural charm and development achievements○□, share Jiangsu with family and friend.

Original title▪▲▼◆: Air Force Major Li Yong Jinsheng Saicard-level, served as the main authority of the Peoples Congress of the Central Affairs War Area recently disclosed that the Air Force Major Li Yong●•◆, a deputy chief of the central and theater, has been promoted to the deputy battle area. On the eve of the 13th National Peoples Congress, the 13th National Peoples Congress from the Peoples Congress, the representative of the 13th National Peoples Congress from the PLA and the Armed Police Force, showed that it has wearing a deputy-level qualifications◇▲-. Official public information showed that Li Yong was born in July 1960. Beijing people have served as their positions in the original Ranzhou Military Region Air Force, and in 2016, the deputy chief of the central, the main army was raised○••. Editor in charge: Huo ▲□■○.

Original title: The State Councils Notice of Institutional Settings▲▽, Guofa [2018] No. 6, all provinces…••●, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government=◇, the Ministry of State=●★◁: Deepening Party and national institutions in accordance with the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee The Reform Plan “●◇★, the first meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress reviewed approval approved the State Council of the State Council★▲, the first executive meeting of the State Council○▲, reviewed the special organization▷☆☆△, direct institution, and direct institutions, direct institutions setup plan The statement of the State Council is as follows: 1. The Office of the Peoples Republic of China, the Office of the Peoples Republic of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China, the Peoples Republic of China, the Peoples Republic of China National Development and Reform Commissi.upholstery automobile cotton fabric wholesale distributors upholstery textile,