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carpet:Original title: Two conferences△△○, representatives, recommendations☆□: National promotion “The only child cares for accompanying fake” Each reporter Zhang Zhongyin is increasingly highly highly prominent by the editor of Chen Xu, who has become a parent, and the social concern is caused during the two sessions. Representative of the National Peoples Congress, deputy main committee of the civil construction○◆▪-, Shanxi Provincial Party Committee…•, Li Zhiqiang▽▷★■, deputy director of the Provincial Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau, suggested highly concerned and solving the pension problem of only childrens parents. Yu Jinyu, a member of the National Committee of China, and Yu Jinyu, a researcher of the World History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that in proposal More attention should be concerned. The reporter noticed that in many cases on the parental parenting policy of only one chil.

Xinhua News Agency■▷▽◆, Beijing April 3●•□◇, China Press Office, published “Policies and Practices of Chinas Free Religious Belief Freedom” White Paper. The full text is as follows: Chinas policy and practice of religious beliefs and the practice of the Peoples Republic of China News Office 2018 Priority, the basic policy of safeguarding the freedom of religion, III, the legal protection of religious beliefs, three, religious activities to carry out four The role of the religious circles gives full export, religious relationship actively and healthy conclusion in advance China is the socialist country leading the Communist Party. China has always adhered to the reality of national conditions and religions, implement religious beliefs, to ensure the freedom of religious beliefs▷…■○, and build a active and healthy religious relationshi?

Xinhua News Agency issued a media statement on May 26 (Reporter Shang Xu)▼○▷□, issued a media statement on the 26th, strongly condemned the Mali military to seize the transitional Presidential President President Ba Xido and the transitional Prime Minister Mokata Waha, etc., requiring immediate conditionless conditions Release them and ask the military personnel to return to the military camp. The statement said that the members of the Council reiterates the support of the Mali political transition process led by non-military, calls for immediate restoration of the process in order to hold elections and establish constitutional order during the 18-month political transition in 18 months in accordance with the ○☆”Transition Charter”••…. Declare that Mali all parties build trust, participate in dialogue, and make compromise for this. Declaration, forcibly replace the transition leader, including forc?