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textile for packaging:China News Network May 27th, the Congo (Jin) Eastern Niragono volcano sprouts○=◁, causing dozen people to die. A few days ago, Goma City near the volcano was still attacked by the aftershocks, and the number of buildings were damaged◁▼, and the people panicked•□◁. According to the latest news, due to the further eruption risk of Niragono△▷◁▽, the government ordered the people in some areas of Goma. Data Map: On May 22▷▼, local time▪=, La Gono volcano near the Congo (Jin), lava matches the mountain. According to AFP, a local officer said=■●-: “At present, data on earthquake activities and ground deformation shows that there is magma in the lower part of Goma…▽-, and extended below Lake Kwish!

China New Network May 27 On the afternoon of May 27▲▽☆, the Ministry of Defense held a routine reporter meeting, deputy director of the Ministry of Defense News Bureau, the Department of Defense News spokesperson Tan Kefei said that Chinas outer space ability is pressing in the United States. The drums such as the United States and France and other countries are referred to in China, and someone in Australia incited the “Rendering of War threats such as” Australia▷△-•. The following is the answer to the full text▪★: On the afternoon of May 27, the Ministry of Defense held a routine reporter meeting, deputy director of the Ministry of Defense, and the Department of Defense News spokesperson▪◁■. He Youwen first, I took the initiative to post two messages. The first message. On the evening of May 21 and 22◆▽, Yunnan Dali Prefecture, Qingh▪=.

Original title▽▼…•: This years Spring Festival is more than 900 billion abroad: the epitome of consumption development 11○◆:00 am, the 13th National Peoples Congress, a Meeting News Center held a press conference in the Multi-Film◁=△●, Metacity, invited Minister of Minister of Commerce. The deputy director and the deputy representative of the International Trade Negotiation◇…△, and the deputy director Queke will answer questions about China and foreign journalists in “promoting high-quality development of business career”. China News Service Reporter▪▲: This years domestic consumption exceeds 900 billion yuan••, what are the initiatives in the next step in expanding domestic consumption? Zhongshan said that the Spring Festival market is a microcosm of our consumption development. Our country has become a big consumer country. Our consumption has ranked second in the world, and consumption has also become my countrys economy for four consecutive year.

Original title: 40 billion tax cuts! These people have never been unprecedented, you are also there buy rit dye recyclable straw apparel textiles thick nylon fabric! Prime Minister Li Keqiang, presided over March 28▲◇■, presided over the executive meeting of the State Council to determine the measures to deepen value-added tax reform, further mitigation of market subject tax burdens•■◁; decided to establish national financing guarantee funds, promote the financing problem such as small and micro enterprises and ★=•▲”three farmers▲◁=”; Report on the reform of the State Council=☆, ensuring the agency reset, functional adjustment is in place●▷; discuss the “State Council Work Rules (Draft)”. The three initiatives launched are expected to alleviate the companys annual tax burden more than 400 billion yuan☆…◆▽, and the inner and foreign enterprises benefit◆○●. At the same time, the meeting decided to be implemented from May 1☆◆, 2018■●. Initiative 1: VAT tax rate declines to decide to make manufacturing and other industri■◇★●.eco friendly wool – ftx trading ltd.