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home furnishings:Original title-◆◁…: Li Ganjie: The environmental inspector is resolutely opposed to usually do not act as a chaos, as a 13th National Peoples Congress, a meeting of the Meeting of the National Peoples Congress★■◁, held a press conference at the central multi-function hall of Meiya, invited Li Ganjie, Minister of Environmental Protection. The relevant issues of “Hitting the Pollution Prevention and Control▲=” have answered the question of Chinese and foreign journalists●=●. At the 13th National Peoples Congress◁◁, the news center held a press conference at the Multi-function Hall of the Metacity Center, and invited the Minister of Environmental Protection★◁. The picture shows the Minister of Environmental Protection, Li Ganjie, answered the reporter. Xinhuanet / China Government Network Chen Jiejing Central Peoples Broadcasting Station=▷, Yangguang Net reporter-■•▪: The topic I care is environmental inspector. Last year■▲, the central environmental inspector realized a!

Original title: Sichuan Provincial Tourism Investment Group Party Committee, Deputy Secretary, Vice Chairman, President, Vice Chairman, President, Vice Chairman, and President of the Provincial Tourism Group, Supervision Surveillance Sichuan Provincial Tourism Investment Group Co., Ltd▽-△. Lu Rong, deputy secretary, deputy chairman and president of the Chairman of Hong Group Co., Ltd●◇.☆▲△•, and the president of the president□▪-◇, the president, is suspected of serious violations and is currently being accepted for disciplinary review and supervision. Langongji Qi Hui Langui, male, Han nationality, May 1959, Guizhou Bijie, in-service graduate. In July 1979◇-○, he participated in the work…△, joined the Communist Party of China in July 1986. From July 1979 to June 1991, Sichuan Automobile Transportation Company Chengdu Company was working◁▽▷…; from June 1991 to September 1993, he served as the Office of the Communist Party of Chi?

Original title: Wang Hunings □▷•”five key points★=” in Hong Kong, Taiwan media heard the “String Times◇▲▽-” [Global Times•◁, Special Reporter Yang Weimin, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, secretary of the Secretary of the Central Committee◇■□□, was attended the National Peoples Congress Hong Kong delegation. It is mentioned that Hong Kong must grasp five key points, indicating zero tolerance to the ▲▪▪▪”Hong Kong Union…•…” and other harm. This is discussed in Hong Kong and Taiwans society triggers a strong response. “Five Key■▲” and “Four Consciousness●○” Wang Shanghai mentioned that the 19th National Report is used to discuss the central government of Hong Kong than the past, and Hong Kong must grasp five key points●▼◆, including comprehensive implementation of ▼•◆◁”one country, two systems”▷★…☆. Ensure that the “one country, two systems” is not deformable=◁●◁, not to be sampled; strictly follow the Constitution and the =…□”Basic Law▲▲▽□” to rule Hong Kong; support the SAR Governme.

Original title▷△: 100 billion organza pillowtalk flannelette sheets! How does the United States have been conducive to China? China-US trade friction has a further upgrade. US President Trump issued a statement that he has instructed that the US trade representative considers whether to pay a tariff of $ 100 billion in Chinese goods under •▽★”301″. If appropriate, it is determined which items are appropriate to give a tariff••. Why is this progressive? Bai Ming, deputy director of the Institute of International Market Research Institute•▷▼★, Ministry of Commerce☆◁□■, said that Trump issued this statement, meaning that Chinas previous pending measures “truly hit the pain of the United States”. After the list of 301 taxation suggested in Chi▷▲☆☆?columbia outlets – dobby shirting fabric ribbed material fabric functional fabric!