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exterior upholstery textiles:Original title: 250,000 issues “Bai Ba broke” vaccine sales to Shandong…▪, scholar lawyer application information public Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. vaccine incidents continue to ferment, July 20•▲○, Jilin Provincial Food and Drug Administration announced by penalty information Show that the companys more than 250■▼△◇,000 problems ◆…=…”Bai Ba broke” vaccine sales to Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention. On July 22▽▲▼, Wang Peng, a lawyer of Beijing Fawa Law Firm, applied for relevant information to Shandong Food and Drug Administration, Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control, through official website, and the application public information includes problems vaccination counties……. Regional, children and bad monitoring records=◇◁. Liu Joliang◆●, Associate Professor▽△■, Associate Professor Shandong University▪○■, also passed the way of posting written application through EMS on the same day to Shandong Province Safety Planning Commissi.

Xishuangbanna Peoples Procuratorate Party Group, the Secretary for Corruption and Bribery Bureau The State Supervision Committee of the Discipline Committee, member of the party group of Xishuangbanna Peoples Procuratorate, Yang Feng, director of the Force Corruption and Bribery Bureau•▪▪•, is suspected of serious violations and is currently being accepted for discipline review and monitoring. (End) Editor•▼: Huo .

Original title: Weekend national warmth next week◁▪, when the temperature is ridiculous□…, China Weather network news is expected to be present today (31st)■▷◁, most of the country is unanimous, and the highest temperature in the central and eastern region is generally 20 ° C, and it is full of spring=…. Weekend–. At the beginning of the next week, the temperature was large, and a lot of local temperatures rose next Monday to the highest point=▽. But before and after April 3, strong cold air came, Henan, Shandong accumulated cooling rate up to 20 ° C, the public Please pay attention to the approach forecast, increase or decrease the clothes in time. The heating temperature penetration weekend next week, the temperature is rushing to fall back Huanghuai cools 20 ° C Recently, the weather is warmed, Qinghai Lake ushered in the lake season■■△. (Source: Xinhua Net) Yesterday, the central and Huanghuai in the Northwest China had a wide range of cooling. Monitoring shows, eastern Qinghai…▷◆, Zhongnan, Gansu■◆○◁, Ningx.

Original title☆▲▪: Chinas import demand is strong, these two countries are the most happy source: the country is the expansion of the through train in the energy field, China can not only talk★•. The latest data on the Bureau shows that in April, Chinas crude oil imports increased significantly, and imported 39.46 million tons. It increased by 14.7% year-on-year★▽•, and the growth rate was accelerated by 14▲▷□.1 percentage points in the previous month□■◁•. The natural gas imported 6.82 million tons□-▽☆, which increased by 34▷★▪.2% year-on-year☆■▷=. This also means Natural gas imports have maintained more than 30% of high-speed growth for 7 months. ▲•”China is now the worlds largest energy importing country•◇▪. China has played an important role in the energy supply market■-●▷.” Researcher at the National Development and Reform Commission Energy Research Institute, Energy Experts Zhou Dihang is interviewed by China News Center Praise: ☆●▽•”Opening of Chinas energ☆…△-.

Zhongxin Net Tianjin May 27th (Zhang Daozheng Wang Junxi) Closing the Fourth Council of the Fourth Council of the Five Council in the Five Council of China. Li Zhuibin, Vice Chairman of China Overseas Chinese•=, and Li Zhuibin△•●, executive vice president of the China Overseas Chinese Commerce, attended the meeting△=-. Xu Rongmao, president of the China Economic Vendor Federation★▼, delivered a speech at the closing meeting. The Honorary President of China s Overseas Chinese Commerce is strictly closed. The closing ceremony was hosted by the vice president and secretary general of the China Overseas Chinese Commerce…▼•□. Election of Xia Payp for the legal representative of the Chinese Overseas Chinese Commerce☆▽▼. Zhang Daozheng consorted that the report of the Four Four Councils work report and financial revenue and expenditure report, the consideration adopted the relevant internal management system, personnel adjustment, cancellation offices, increase the amount of support for the secondary schoo.