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staple fiber:Original title: (The two sessions were released) The third meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress, the third meeting of the Standing Chairman, held a book=•…, Host Xinhua News Agency, Beijing March 11th, the 13th National Peoples Congress…▲…★, a meeting▽▽☆, the Branch of the National Peoples Congress, the third meeting of the Standing Chair 11 The morning was held in the Great Hall of the People◇◁▼. The Chairman of the General Assembly is executive chairmanship chairmanship. The meeting listened to the report of the General Assemblys Secretariat of the General Assembly on the Review of the Constitutional Amendment to the Secretariat of the General Assembly▲◇☆◇. The draft draft decision will be approved by the draft decisions to deliver the fourth meeting of the President of the General Assembly. The meeting listened to the Secretariat of the General Assembly, the Secretariat of the General Assembly▪◆, on the consideration of the draft decision on the establishment of the 13th National Peoples Congress, the General Assembly on the 13th National Peoples Congre!

Xinhua News Agency◁…, May 28 (Reporter Tianjin), the latest data showed that in the past 5 years, the construction of the infrastructure construction in Tibet has invested 54.7 billion yuan–□△, and the total mileage of rural roads has increased by 89,000 kilometers, 654 towns and 4094. The Tongli River, Township, and Township and Building Villages reached 100% and 99.96% respectively▲▷, and the safety of rural drinking water is fully resolved. The main grid covers all county and major townships. The broadcutive step forward of infrastructure construction in Tibet, which not only changed the life and production methods of farmers and herdsmen, but also injecting strong power in economic and social development. The road to Tibet is described in the “Tibet of Tibet” published in 1930▲□■△:.

Original title: ▷▪”billionaire▽◁□” Wu Yingduced by the death penalty to 25 years, father: Hearing the first morning of March 23, Zhejiang Senior Peoples Court publicly opened the court to hear the criminal Wu Yings sentence, in court Decisions, the penalty of Wu Ying-▪, a penalty▲▲=, deprived of political rights for ten years. Wu Ying, father, Wu Yongzheng, and Wu Yings sister listened to the pronunciation. •…○”There is a period of time, there is a look,” Wu Yongzheng launched the No. 37, Wu Ying▷△•, who wanted to adhere to the complaint▽•▼, and hope to pay attention to the debt of the creditor as soon as possible. ▲ Zhejiang Senior Peoples Court official Weibo released Wu Yings sentence. Weibo screenshot Zhejiang womens prison proposed the commutation recommended that the Zhejiang Senior Peoples Court issued a message=…, on May 21, 2012, Zhejiang Senior Peoples Cou.

Original title: May Day, the second day: Scenic reception tourists grow more than 46.1% from the first day, New Beijing News (Reporter Shaob) Today is the second day of the May 1 holiday, the weather is good. The reporter learned from the Beijing Tourism Commission that the number of tourists increased significantly than yesterday==▲, 170 tourist scenic spots in the city have received 2521 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 4.8%-■▷△, an increase of 46☆△.1% over yesterday. Among them, the historical and cultural sightseeing scenic spot receiving 772,000 people◁▼◇▲, an increase of 31.2% year-on-year; the museum scenic spot receiving 75,000 people…•▼, an increase of 14.1% year-on-year▲▽◆; the Olympic Heritage scenic spot received 13,000 people, a year-on-year increase of 47=•.7%◆•▪▽; Modern Entertainment Scenic Area reception 50.2 10,000 people, a year-on-year decrease in 0.9%; natural landscape scenic spots receive 321,000 peopl?

China News Agency•◁■◆, May 28th■…-: ​​Baiyangdians last geese team veterans: ▪◆▷”Still”, “The future of the city” China News News Corporation Cui Tao ▲◆■”I am the last player of the geese team. I hope to see the Xiongan New District built after the birth year□▼●○. ★=•☆”Sitting in the home of the Zhannan Village, Anxin County, Xiongan New District, Hebei Province, and the 95-year-old original geese team member Lu Changlu interviewed interviews, His wish. In the period of war in the anti-Japanese War, in the Yushu Xiongan New District★-□, the Hebei Xiongan New District, there was a water guerrilla called “stunding the soldiers▷▪…▼”■▽▪. From 1939 to 1945★▪•…, cooperated with the main force liberation Anxin County, Yan? apl shoes cordura waterproof nz fabrics ltd – brushed jersey faic.

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