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innovative textiles:Original title●▷▲: Industry insiders disclose a rides, safety, maintenance, interims, hidden dangers, interim, hidden dangers●▽, 3 April, 15:10, Xuchang City, Henan Province-▼•, Xuchang City, Xihu Park••▪, the accident, a man is playing “Flying Eagle” play facilities Due to the safe lock, the high-altitude falls◇••, and the hospital is invalid. This matter has attracted the attention of the safety of rides. □ Our reporter Zhao Li will every holiday, many people will choose to play to play, experience rides•□■, enjoy happiness. However, the protection measures are not in place, the professional management is lacking, and the quality of the facilities is not necessarily increased★■□△, and the safety hazards in the playground have increased, and it is possible to cause accidents. What is the status quo of playing safety management? The “Legal Daily” reporter conducted an investigation. Touri.

Original title: Maintaining the Constitution Defend Constitution “Peoples Daily Overseas Edition” (March 13, 2018) National people•○□▽, all state organs and armed forces…◆☆★, political parties and social groups▽★☆-, allocate business organizations, The constitutional dignity must be maintained in the constitutional dignity=▲, ensuring the responsibility of the Constitution March 11th, and the 13th National Peoples Congress has adopted the constitutional amendment. It reflects the partys claim to the times. The organic unity of the willingness of the national will and the people will adhere to how to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and achieve the “two-year hundred years” struggle and the Chinese nations great rejuvenation Chinese dream, give an answer in the form of a fundamental law-◇■…. Respect the Constitution•□, any political parties, organization, individuals are not allowed to dri=☆★☆.

Original title: Netizen “Wild Love Song◇▷○” reveals the inside of Qianbao collector illegal rights protection insider @ 平安 江苏 April 9 news, Yangzhou citizen Ge Mou (net ◁▽▼”Lang people love song 508■●◇”)□-▽▲, in participating in “Qian Baoyai” fundraising After returning, listening to the rumors and embarks on the path of illegal “rights protection……”, publishing or forwarding more than 70 articles containing a large number of rumors and false information, becoming the manufacturer and communicationman of rumors, and producing a so-called non-reporting◁○△…. The statement-▽•▼, induced the □▲□”Qian Baoyi” fund-raising participants did not report, because he was suspected of seeking trouble and impulsive crimes◁•, he was taken by the Municipal Public Security Bureau at the end of March. Recently▪▷=, he accepted an interview, revealing the inside story of illegal rights protection of Qianbaos raising people. Its hard to get a greedy: Fast forward is still planted, and if he said▼▽◆▷, he is in the beginning of 201.

Original title: OFO small yellow car said that he was repeatedly attacked to 3.15 to combat online black public relations China Network Technology March 15th news, today◆▼…◁, OFO small yellow car issued a statement through the official WeChat public number○□, called for strike network rumors and black public relations◁○●, and Innovative entrepreneurial fields to business and technology: refused to create a healthy public opinion and business environment. The Ofo Small Huang car said that the company has created the rumors attacks in three years, and it is likely to happen in any entrepreneurial, and Chinas innovative entrepreneurial environment is urgently needed to protect the same strength as consumer rights★▲◇▼. Ofo Xiaohuoli said in a statement that “every major development node●△◆•, there is always a rumor☆▪☆.▪▽” It is reported that since last year, the Internet continued to have a lot of rumors such as “funds chain break△=■…” in the Internet•-••. Declarati◁■.

Original title: Chinas steel industry responds to the United States 337 survey all winning economic daily – China Economic Network Beijing March 20th (Reporter Zhou Lei) On March 20, the reporter learned from the China Iron and Steel Industry Association that Chinas steel industry responds to the US 337 Win. The person in charge of Chinas Iron and Steel Industry Association stressed that the Chinese steel protectionism is firmly opposed to trade protectionism-◇▽△, and resolutely realizes that Chinas steel industry is both large. On March 19…▷, 2018, the US International Trade Commission decided to terminate the plaintiff American Iron and Steel Companys 337 anti-monopoly survey of Chinas steel. The committee decided that the plaintiff applied for anti-monopoly survey needs to have anti-monopoly damage-■, but the plaintiff cannot prove its suffering The anti-monopoly damage, no plaintiff qualifications for this v. At this point, “337 Investigation” of China Ste.